Exclude Assignee from report

i have question about excluding people from report.
For example - i have report with issue closed per assignee in month.

But there is one person who is additional and i don’t want to see him in this report. I could use Assignee pages, select all, and deselect this person, although it’s not the best solution.

Is there a way to make a group of all assignee without this person? I tried to make a Calculated Member in Assignee group, but it works as a sum of all member without this one, not like a group of people that i need.

Hi @strojna.ewa,

Yes, you may create a group of all assignees except one particular or several users. In Assignee dimension define a new calculated member which aggregates all users except listed user or users:

    --set of all assignees
    --list of user names which should be excluded
    { [Assignee].[Admin Shakespeare] }

More information on how to create calculated members in the dimension using functions Aggregate() and Except() you will find in the documentation:

Zane / support@eazyBI.com

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Hi, @zane.baranovska,
thanks for your reply, it works well :slight_smile:

Hi @zane.baranovska,

In the same way, can we include only particular users.

I have a list of users, instead of exclude the users by using except I want to include few users to the report and that need to be displayed under All Assignee list in the report.

Appreciate your help.
