Exclude Closed Stories for Un-estimated Story Count


I have a situation where I am trying to get a count of stories that are un-estimated. I am finding that I have some stories that are un-estimated and also has a status of closed . I would like to exclude the stories that are closed from that count. I have tried filter function, but I am not correct on syntax. Can you help me with that?


Can I please get some help with this?


May I ask how do you count number of issues with un-estimated? I am rather new and have not been getting an accurate count of un-estimated issues.

For your specific question of excluding closed stories, would [Measures].[Issues closed]>0 as a condition to filter be useful? this is what used in the demo eazybi.com/accounts/1000/cubes one of the predefined measure “Average closing days”. Perhaps you can use the Filter function in your formula?

Hi kkt,

To get Count of Unestimated Stories
First, I am getting a Total Story Count for the release by using the following:

[Measure].[Issues created],
[Issue Type]. [Story],
[Fix Version.By name].[]

Then I am getting Count of Estimated Stories for the release by using the following:

[Measures].[Issues with Story Points created],
[Issue Type].[Story],
[Fix Version.By name].[]

Finally, I take Total Story Count and subtract Count of Estimated Stories
to get Count of Unestimated Stories. This has been accurate for me, so far. I’m new to this as well!!

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Hi @gammons,

You have done a fine job by creating the calculations for the unestimated stories. Tuples are very powerful and perform really fast.

To exclude issues that are in the status “Closed”, try to create a calculated member in the Status dimension that aggregates all the Status dimension members except “Closed” with the Except() function - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybi/analyze-and-visualize/calculated-members/mdx-function-reference/except.


Now you can add that calculated member to both tuples:

  [Measure].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type]. [Story],
  [Fix Version.By name].[],
  [Status].[Except Closed]
  [Measures].[Issues with Story Points created],
  [Issue Type].[Story],
  [Fix Version.By name].[],
  [Status].[Except Closed]

Kind regards,
Roberts // eazyBI support

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