Exclude Issues using Component values


New to eazyBI so would appreciate any help at all.

I’m trying to create a simple table that looks like this:

Project Name | Issues Created | Issues Closed
Proj-A | 1 | 1
Proj-B | 6 | 4

The only tricky bit is I don’t want to count any Issues where “Component = X”.

With the following calculated member, I’m able to exclude Component X, but it removes the entire Project row, instead of removing the Issues from the Issue Count.

[Project].CurrentMember.Children.Item(‘X’) IS NULL

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Yes, your calculation indeed filters out whole projects that contain the component X (and, in the report, all their issues, consequently).
Components is a multivalue field, and it is not enough to filter out only the component X: the issue, having two components X and Y would be still counted because of component Y.

You may want to use another approach where you create a measure (in Measures) that iterate through all issues and count only those issues that explicitly do not have component X:

    Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Issues created]>0
[Measures].[Issues created],
[Project].[Poject X].[Component X]))

Use a correct project and component name in [Project].[Poject X].[Component X] (the best is to bookmark the component and check its correct member name).

Remember, that each component is grouped under a particular project; if you have a componet X in several projects you have to check the existence of all of them.

Dealing with multivalue fields could be tricky, and in some cases, the best approach is precalculating a new custom field (using JavaScript calculated custom fields) that contains information whether the issue has or has not a specific component; then import this custom field as a new dimension and use it in reports as a Page filter.

Ilze, support@eazybi.com

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Hi Ilze

Thanks for the response.
Since posting the question, we’ve changed the underlying data and hence are reporting in a different way.

I will definitely explore pre-calculating a custom field using JavaScript.

Thanks again!