I’m getting the following error:
Failed to parse query, try to make query simpler.
Or maybe saved report uses deleted calculated member.
Error message:
MDX object ‘[Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].[All Issues]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’
Any idea why ?
I’m getting the following error:
Failed to parse query, try to make query simpler.
Or maybe saved report uses deleted calculated member.
Error message:
MDX object ‘[Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].[All Issues]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’
Any idea why ?
Hi @Karim_Momo,
The error message indicates that the report is trying to address the entity that is not available in the data cube.
One of the possible reasons might be the renaming of Advanced Roadmaps into Plans.
Please contact eazyBI support directly with more details about your environment - name of eazyBI account and affected report in case of Jira Cloud, or the eazyBI version in case of the Datacenter.
Oskars / support@eazyBI.com