Filter based on issuetype without Issue dimension

How can I filter issues based on Issue Type without Issue or Issue Type dimension in row/column? Is this possible?

This is what the Page feature is for, to allow for extra filtering of different dimensions. Just drag the dimension you want into there.
Or, do you mean something more complex? If so, could you give more details about what you’re trying to do?

I have report like in screen shot. I created custom Javascript field, named Target Filter with values Pipeline, Exec, Backlog. I would like filter Planned column based on value from this filter. In exaple, when i choose a Pipeline then value in Planned should be get only from one kind of issue. I try do this like that, but I need a Issue Type dimension in rows. I trying to do this in Target Filter JavaScript code but i need to filter only Planned column.

[Target Filter].CurrentMember.Name = 'Pipeline'
[Issue Type].CurrentMember.Name = 'Sale'
[Measures].[Sale Plan with expected]

I am a bit confused why you would want to filter one column but not others? How would someone read such a chart without confusion? If your Planned column is filtered on Pipeline, but Executed and Target are still the full numbers, isn’t that confusing the report? How would the reader even know?

eazyBI and cross-dimensional reporting in general don’t normally work like this, with filters working across the report, so that all numbers are representative of the filters used.

Nevertheless, I tried to think of a way to do what you’re after, and I’m actually not sure. This is a case I’ve not come across before - sorry.

Ok, i will try describe my needs as much as I can. This is Sales Department report. Column Planned is value from issue field named Margin where issue type is Sale, Public Sale, Invoice etc. . Value in Executed column is from field Executed where issue type is Sale, Public Sale, Invoice etc. Value in Target column is from custom field named Margin (same field as in Planned) but value is get only from one issue type, Target. In this issues we have specified targets for our salers. My boss woud like to filter by
Pipeline - issue type Sales and Public Sales but not resolved
Backlog - value form issue type Invoice where are Where are the planned revenues for fixed services
Executed -
sales made, for which they should or have already received money.

Column Planned and Executed Should be filtered, but column Target no.

Any idea, how to do this :slight_smile: ?

The simplest way how to use a particular member in any calculation when you do not need it in the report is tuples. You can specify a member from any dimension you would like to address there with a measure. Here is an example:

([Measures].[Sale Plan with expected],
[Issue Type].[Story])

If you want to get it working only in the case, you selected Pipeline in the Target Filter this formula will do the trick:

[Target Filter].CurrentMember.Name = 'Pipeline'
 ([Measures].[Sale Plan with expected],
  [Issue Type].[Story])

Daina /

Hi, thanks for help. I was tried your solution and I get this error.

eazyBI tries to detect a result data type and in this case it was not detected. You would apply a data type conversion explicitly there.

CASE WHEN [Target Filter].CurrentMember.Name = ‘Pipeline’ THEN Val(([Measures].[Sale Plan with expected], [Issue Type].[Story])) END

I added a function Val, you can use NonZero as well. They explicitly set a result as a numeric value.

Daina /