Filter issue types combined with a label

Hello, I’m trying to report a pie chart with different issue types.

All the issue types are common except one of them. I need to filter issue type “task” with label “example”.
If I use one of the typical label filters it does not work because the pie chart needs all the values within the same dimension (I can’t mix issues with labels).

How could I set an “issue type” calculated field combining issues belonging to a determined type with one or more tags?
For example "All the issues with type incident and label ‘service’ "

Thank you in advance

FYI I have cooked this small algorithm as calculated member of IssueType.

  Descendants([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
  ([Measures].[Issues created],
  [Label].[stabilization]) = Count(ChildrenSet([Label].[stabilization])))

I put this as column and Measures->Hours-spent-with-subtasks as Row in order to get the total hours spent in determined issue-types combined with determined labels.

I have double-checked it and seems to work fine. Please validate this workaround :slight_smile:

Best regards


We usually recommend creating such calculations only in “Measures” dimension.

Then the calculated member could be the following:

[Issue Type].CurrentMember.Name = "Incident"
[Measures].[Hours spent with sub-tasks],
Nonzero([Measures].[Hours spent with sub-tasks])

This approach should work if you use “Issue Type” dimension in rows.

Best regards,

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