@Jacqueline_Bordin, the issue_id_column
is a parameter name for the settings if you want to pass down the field value through the issue Epic hierarchy. You won’t find any measure or dimension by such a name in the eazyBI. For example, if yuo want to inherit the Epic values, use issue_id_column = "epic_id"
On the other hand, if you would like to pass down the field values for the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy, the correct parameter name is issue_key_column
. For example, issue_key_column = "jpoh_parent_3"
I fixed the code in my initial response and updated the parameter name; I apologize for the mistake.
Here are more details on both parameters: Issue link field dimensions
Here is the community post on how to detect the hierarchy level number (jpohX) for the Advanced Roamaps hierarchy: