Filter not work

Hi everyone!
I want to add time filter in my report but when I add time filter and select current year suddenly disappear value in average age days. Why does this happen? thanks for help.


Hi @madooooooo,

The “Average age days” measure is closely tied to the “Issues due” measure. This measure returns the number of unresolved issues without the Time dimension in the report. Once you add the Time dimension, the issue’s due date is considered in returning values. No issues either have a due date or are due in the current year.

You can create a calculated measure to overcome this functionality. Still, the approach depends on your requirement for the Time dimension filter - by what issue date field should the Time dimension filter the values?

Roberts //

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Hi @roberts.cacus
I want after select time filter, “Aerage age days” to calculate from issue created time to selected time. For example a Issue created 12 August 2023 and the selected time is 23 October 2023. This measure must to calculate “Average age days” between times considered. I hope I have expressed my meaning correctly.

Hi @madooooooo,

Please have a look at the following eazyBI Demo account report and its two calculated measures - Average age till resolution report - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI. The measure “Average age of open issues” should cover your requirement.

Roberts //

Hi @roberts.cacus
The measure “Average age of open issues” is not working :confused: What to do?

Hi @madooooooo,

Please provide more details on how it is not working. What result did you expect and get instead?

Roberts //

Hi @roberts.cacus
I want after selected filter, show me created issue and to calculate average age of open issues from selected filter (created issue) to today.