Filter out 'none' from the reports

Hi team/@lauma.cirule

I have a very general question. I have checkbox as A with options Yes and No. When an issue is created without selecting any of the option (which we are allowing ), the eazyBI shows ‘none’ in the report for columns where A dimension is added. I basically DON’T want to see ‘none’. I just want to see issues with yes and No.
Again, I have one more checkbox named B. It has just one option in it. When an issue is created without selecting it, in eazyBI the report again shows ‘none’ for issues with no value of B.
How do I resolve this issue. I don’t want to see none in reports.

eazyBI by default generates (none) members to represent the issues with no values in the custom field. However, All member contains both issues with values and issues without values. You would like to use multiple member selection or define a calculated member using function Except in the dimension or y listing particular member names explicitly. Here are both examples.

I would use a dimension name Valid as an example, please use your custom field name instead of the name Valid in the formulas below.



[Valid].[Valid] represents a level Valid of a dimension Valid.



Please fill in values using autocomplete to avoid any typo errors.

Daina /

can you please explain more i have multiple member selection call Division - Departments
sometime they chose Division without Departments and now all (none)

eazyBI generates a member with the name (none) to represent any isuses without a specific value in this field. You can address the (none) member if you would like to get issues with no values in the field.

The formula I shared uses a function Except. This function will exclude a particular member, in this case, the member, (none) from a list of all members. This will give you issues with any value in this custom field.

Daina /

Hi Daina, I have sort like situation only the checkbox has only Yes as value. Still I would like to see the page filter to see the Options Yes and (none) to select. Using the


will give me everything and only Yes as option to choose from. How can I solve that?

Thanks in advance