Filtering Rows in EAZYBI with profield list property imported as property and dimension


The page filter does not work as expected because your report seems to contain only the “properties,” not the measures. The page filter in the report does not automatically filter off the members from the report rows but applies the context to the report’s measures. Once you use only the Project size (which is a property, not measure), the page filter does not affect your report:

The filtering works when measures are used in your report:

You can apply row filtering here to show only projects with the selected Project size:

There is another option to implement such a use case with the recent version of eazyBI, where you can build a new dimension hierarchy from the properties:

When I do that, I can add the new hierarchy to pages, select the needed member, and the rows will filter the projects automatically, without the need to add measure and row filter condition:

Janis, eazyBI support