Find the most recently updated child issue of a parent issue (Epic)

Hi All,

I am looking for a way to determine if an feature is stale. I can pull in the measure to see when the last time the Epic was updated, however, I want to see when the last time one of the child issues under the parent were updated. If an feature hasn’t been updated in a few months but the child issues under it have been recently updated I don’t have any cause for concern. I was able to write a measure (below) that gives me a value for one of the children under the feature. I can also generate a measure that finds the updated date for all the child issues as a string. Is there a way to then compare these values and only print the most recently updated?

– Finds the value of the first child’s updated date:
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.FirstChild.Get(‘Updated at’)

– Finds the updated dates of all child issues prints as a string

– Parent Link is not Empty
IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Parent Link])

– Get all of the epics under the Capability
[Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].[Capability].CurrentHierarchyMember.Children,

– List all updated dates for the epics under the Capability
'Updated: ’ || Format([Issue.Advanced Roadmaps].[Capability].CurrentHierarchyMember.GetDate(‘Updated at’), “”),


Thank you in advance!

Hi @c4er,

Suppose you use the Issue dimension “Epic” hierarchy in the report rows. In that case, you can define a calculated measure that will return the latest update date of a child issue of the “Epic” level and the issue update date in lower levels. The calculated measure could look similar to the one below:

[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Level.Name = 'Epic'
    DateToTimestamp([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.GetDate('Updated at'))
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.GetDate('Updated at')

The DateToTimestamp() function transforms the issue update date to a timestamp. That allows the Max() function to evaluate each child issue retrieved from the Epic with the help of ChildrenSet() as a number. Once that is done, TimeStampToDate() changes it back to a date. See more details about the functions on the eazyBI documentation page - MDX function reference. See an example below:

Roberts //