Flow Efficiency metrics, generics way to edit waiting statuses for each team


I am trying to create a generics report which can be used by different projects. The report produces Flow efficiency(FE) metrics. To calculate FE, I need to create a calculated measure for Total time (Lead time) and Waiting Time. Waiting time is the time stories spent in statuses like Blocked, Waiting, Ready For Testing. Each project has its own set of waiting statuses.
At this moment I have hardcoded those statuses name in my waiting time measure but is there a way, where people update their waiting statuses like in Transition status Pages and measure will provide answer accordingly or I can create a new measure in Transition Status dimension and teams need to update their status in that only?

Here is my Waiting Time measure look like

-- annotations.group=Flow Efficiency

  [Transition Status].[Blocked],
  [Transition Status].[Waiting],
  [Transition Status].[Ready For Testing],
  [Transition Status].[Ready for Development],
  [Transition Status].[Ready to PRE]
  [Measures].[Workdays in transition status]

I have tried one way but it didn’t work. I have tried to create new measure in Transition status dimension like this

[Transition Status].[Blocked],
[Transition Status].[Waiting],
[Transition Status].[Ready For Testing],
[Transition Status].[Ready for Development],
[Transition Status].[Ready to PRE]

and then try to use it in my Waiting time status like this

 [Measures].[Workdays in transition status],
 [Transition Status].[WaitingStatuses]

But then it is giving me wrong figures.
Note: I am trying to create the metrics on a monthly basis.

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I have the same problem and would be very happy about a solution.

Hi @neetuagw,

You can try to create a new calculated member in the Transition Status dimension that aggregates the respective statuses for each Project. As you noted, a calculated member in the Transition Status dimension with the formula below is an option:

  [Transition Status].[Blocked],
  [Transition Status].[Waiting],
  [Transition Status].[Ready For Testing],
  [Transition Status].[Ready for Development],
  [Transition Status].[Ready to PRE]

Then you can place the Transition Status dimension in pages of the report and use only the “Workdays in transition status” measure.

The calculated measure you shared with us produces wrong results as you have not enclosed both members in brackets. See the correct formula below:

 ([Measures].[Workdays in transition status],
 [Transition Status].[WaitingStatuses])

The eazyBI documentation has more information on calculated measures - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/analyze-and-visualize/calculated-measures-and-members.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com