Freeze table headers

When using tables which require scrolling the head-row of the table is not visible.
For improve readability of big tables it would be better if the head-row is pinned to the top of the table and only the table content is scrolling.
Similar to the feature “Freeze Panes” in MS Excel.

Any feedback on such a feature would be appreciated.

Hello Erik,

Yes , you can use “Freeze Header” feature available in eazyBI.

Note : You can find the option only when your table report has more rows. if there is one or two rows then you will not find this option.

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions

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Is there a way to freeze also row header?

hello strojna.ewa,

Unfortunately, row header freezing feature not available in eazyBI.

But , still there is a workaround for this, we can convert the column header to vertical to fit the report with in the page.


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Since version 6.0. eazyBI allows to freeze headers for rows. See all changes in our changelog

Zane /