Get Bug Count per Versions


How do you count the total number of bugs that are associated to a Version regardless if its Fix Version or Affects Version. So basically, you would have all versions in rows and bugs as column. Is there a dimension for just Versions? Thanks!

eazyBI does not have a common default dimension for Versions. You would like to sum issues using both dimensions (Fix Version and Affects version). I would suggest using one of the dimensions in a report for selection.

Here is one example formula, how to get a total count of issues in a version based on Fix version selection in the report. The formula works with default hierarchy of Fix version on Version level. The formula will ignore Project selection in the report and will pick the Project from Fix version. You would like to update the formula if you are using it in any other context:

-- count of issues in selected fix version
[Measures].[Issues created]
-- count of all issues with affect version in the same project with the same version name
( [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Affects Version.By name].[Name].GetMemberByKey(
  [Fix Version].CurrentMember.Key
  [Fix Version].CurrentMember.Parent.Parent.Key
[Fix Version].DefaultMember)
-- count of issues that has the same version as fix version and affects version
( [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Affects Version.By name].[Name].GetMemberByKey(
  [Fix Version].CurrentMember.Key
  [Fix Version].CurrentMember.Parent.Parent.Key
[Fix Version].CurrentMember)

Here is my report example for this:

Daina /