Get calculated sum of issues that has specific status and not brached sla on a monthly basis

Hi community
I am new at EasyBI and need to craft a report that could show the ammount of issues with spcific statues within SLA and also out of SLAs, i.e., I want to have for example:

  • issues open, closed, resolved, within SLA, within SLA (open and resolved), within SLA (closed), out SLA (open and resolved, out SLA (closed).
  • Also it should be able to adjust the tabular table when moving along the different times levels.

When having for example on Rows: Time-Issues I am not able to get a coherent value of summarized All members (like happend with Open Issues for exmple).

I will add a screenshot.

I’ve tried something like:

Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
– No Breached Issues
IsEmpty([Measures].[Time to resolution - Breached])
– Under Closed State or Open
( [Measures].[Issue status] = “Closed” OR
[Measures].[Issue status] <>“Resolved” )


But you can see below that the numbers are not accurate, it should be showing 7 as All summarized values.

Also if I moved around different Times if should be auto adjusting it.

I would appreciate your help, please…

PS: any good tutorial about how to learn to undestand crystal clear this topic to be suggested? Thanks in advance also.

Hi @Dario_Tjor,

The SLA measures are linked to the time on the SLA completion date (see more Jira Service Management custom fields).
This is similar to Issues created and Issues resolved are linked to created and resolution dates, respectively.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for a count of issues with, e.g., SLA breached, to be counted from its creation date until the SLA completion date. We can reuse the first part of the measure for Open issues but replace the resolution measure with SLA breached. Please try the following formula.

    Cache([Measures].[Issues created]
        - [Measures].[Time to resolution - Breached])
  + [Measures].[Issues created]
  - [Measures].[Time to resolution - Breached]

This is quite a complex formula to start with, so you have come to the right place! But if you are interested in digging deeper, for more details on MDX and eazyBI Jira data model, I suggest you check out the Learn More section in our documentation. In addition, there are many training and presentation videos with various topics to get you started.

Lauma /

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Hi Lauma,
Good morning.
Thank you very much for your comments. It helped me a lot. KUDOS to you for your help.
Best regards,

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