Get count of minor versions of fix version per one major


I trying to get count of minor versions of fix version per one major.
All versions look like ‘01.15’ or ‘01.15.10’.

Dimension - [Fix version].MajorVersion:
[Fix Version].[Version].Members,
[Fix Version].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name MATCHES ‘01…$’

In [Measures].CountMinorByMajor:
[Fix Version].AllMembers,
[Fix Version].CurrentMember.Name MATCHES ‘01(.|-)??$’

Could you tell me where I take a mistake?

Hi Denis,

I sent you this over e-mail already, but will post it here as well.

As you described, you have Fix Versions already on rows and then need to compare the row version name when going through the set of versions again to find ‘a longer name of the version’. To do this, we need a different set of the same versions to go through, so I used another hierarchy from Fix Version dimension to achieve this - iterating through the Fix Version by status hierarchy members and finding the ones that have some additional numbers after the current Fix Version member name. Here is the formula

        [Fix Version.By status].[Version].Members,
        [Fix Version.By status].CurrentMember.Name MATCHES 
          Replace([Fix Version].CurrentMember.Name, ".", "\.") || "\..*"

Lauma /