Get story points completed on parent for sub-tasks

I need a report with the sprint in the row and the assignee as a page. I also need a new calculated measure in a column that does the following:

  1. If an issue is not a sub-task and is assigned to the current assignee selected, return the Sprint Story Points completed
  2. If an issue is a sub-task and is assigned to the current assignee selected, return the Sprint Story Points completed from the parent issue even if the parent issue was not assigned to the selected assignee

Basically, what I’m trying to do is show how many story points were completed by the assignee + the number of story points completed of parent issues for any sub-tasks that were assigned to the assignee.

Hi dave,

Try using the following formula:

--filter conditions
--parent belongs to context
    [Measures].[Issues created]>0
  [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed]
