Get sum of story points NOT in any sprint

I have a fix version chart I’m trying to make that shows the number of points in each fix version with coloring by issue status. So a fix version in the past should show as all green because everything was resolved. Current fix version(s) will have a mixture of colors and future fix versions would show red (open/blocked). One example calculated measure is here:

([Measures].[Story Points history], 
[Transition Status].[Code Review])

However, the ‘open’ type apparently doesn’t include stories which are not in any sprint. We clearly have too few ‘open’ stories in the current fix version (compared to looking in JIRA) and future versions have NO points in the bar chart. The vast majority of stories, even in future fix versions, do have a story point value currently, though they will be revised with more information when they get more carefully refined/planned.

Can I make a calculated measure of the sum of all story points in a fix version which are NOT in a sprint?

Hi @KeithM,

I understand that you would like to see the version progress by the current status of issues (to see past versions “green”).
In this case, You might want to use measure Story Points created and dimension Status - it will show all Story Points grouped by version associated with the Version with or without Sprint.

The Sprint dimension has members (no sprint), which you can use to find issues (and Story Points) not in any Sprint.

([Measures].[Story Points created],
[Sprint].[(no board)].[(no sprint)])

You can have another calcaution to show Story Points in any Sprint by subtracting All created Story Points and those without Sprint.

([Measures].[Story Points created],
[Sprint].[(no board)].[(no sprint)])
[Measures].[Story Points created]

The data in the table view might look like in the picture below.

More details on a calculation using tuples: Calculated measures.
See the documentation on the mentioned measures and dimensions here: Jira Software custom fields.

Zane /

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