Get Time in status


I wanted to know if there is any way to calculate time in a certain status, within a calculated measure.
I am making a report where for each month, I must say the percentage of issues that have been in X status for more than 3 days.

My calculated measure is:

[Measures].[Workdays in transition status],[Transition].[Status A=> Status B]

I thought that in this way I would recover the time that the issue has been in Status A.

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why not using transition status and [measures].[workdays in transition status]?

HI Mauro, thanks for your reply.

I am using that measure ([measures].[workdays in transition status]), but it is associated with the date I transition to that status.

I need the report by month, and i use Dimension Time like page in the report.

My problem is that I need to know how long it was in that status (X) regardless of the day. Let me explain, if a filter by September but it was in August in this status(x). When filtering by the month September, it does not count it.

Best regards.

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Sorry I don’t get it.
If you’re filtering pages by month, why should you see issues belonging to a month that’s not in the page?
What’s that you are filtering by month? The date of creation of the issue, the date of transition in that status…?

Hi @dacosta,
You can create a tuple in Measure dimension as suggested @Mauro_Bennici:

  [Measures].[Workdays in transition status], 
  [Transition Status].[In Progress]

As it is calculated when an issue is transitioned from this status (when the Transitions from status measure is recorded) and will be shown on Time dimension on the date when the transition from this status happened.

If you need to completely ignore the Time dimension, you can use DefaultMember, but then this measure won’t be filtered at all by Time:

  [Measures].[Workdays in transition status], 
  [Transition Status].[In Progress],

Gerda //

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