Get unresolved tickets for particular month

For our monthly reporting, we want to display a list of all unresolved issues (up to the reporting month). Added Time as a Page isn’t working for us, let me explain

The above image displays all currently unresolved issues for a customer

Now we want to create a report for May 2017. As shown, there are no unresolved issues… I would have expect the issue that is created on Apr 21, the be in that list. The one from June not ofcourse.

How do I go about, creating this kind of report in EazyBI?


Hi Stefan,

Perhaps, you could try using measure “Open issues” which will show you the number of unresolved tickets at the end of selected time period (see attachment below).

Please find more on our documentation page:

Let me know if that helped!
Best regards

Hi Martins,

I got a similar problem and seems like the “Open issues” is not accurate. The default calculation “Open issues” measures issue created - issue resolved.

Now I used the similar calculation for “submitted yet unresolved” to measure issues submitted - issues resolved… in calculation below

For Apr now it shows 80 – but if I drill into Apr it shows today latest number is 83, not sure why it is showing 80 in the calculation.

And… the accurate number today is actually 82.

Please help let me know what went wrong… maybe this is not the proper calculation for me… what I need is the total number of issues in certain status by end of each month or by end of today (the current month). Please kindly advise. Thanks!

CASE WHEN [Issue].CurrentMember.Level.Name <> ‘Issue’

AND [Measures].[Issues created]>0

Cache([Measures].[Issues submitted]
- [Measures].[Issues resolved])
+ [Measures].[Issues submitted]
- [Measures].[Issues resolved]
WHEN [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember IS [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember
THEN NonZero([Measures].[Issues due])
– optimized formula for drill through Issue
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘submitted at’),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
NOT DateBeforePeriodEnd(
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Resolved at’),
[Measures].[Issues submitted]),



There might be some mistakes in your calculated measure as you use property ‘submitted at’ and ‘submitted’ like it is the same custom field. For default fields as Created date or Resolution date it works as expected, but in the case of custom field the approach is slightly different.

You might update code and use there a precise name of your date-picker custom field which you imported as measures and properties in eazyBI? If the name is “Submitted at” in Jira, the code should be as follows:

Cache([Measures].[Issues with submitted at]
- [Measures].[Issues resolved])
+ [Measures].[Issues with submitted at]
- [Measures].[Issues resolved]
WHEN [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember IS [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember
THEN NonZero([Measures].[Issues due])
– optimized formula for drill through Issue
[Issue].CurrentMember.get('Submitted at'),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
NOT DateBeforePeriodEnd(
[Issue].CurrentMember.get('Resolved at'),
[Measures].[Issues with Submitted at]),

If that didn’t work as expected, I believe you may reach to
Martins / eazyBI support