Getting different Values by Using Issues in Row and Page

I have a report in which I calculate the percentage completion of specific Epics. When I calculate this number using the issues in a row, it is higher that using issues in Page. Even though the individuals show the same values, once all Epics are selected, the value is not the same.

Here are the screenshots of both reports

This is the result that I want to have (90% completion)

This is the one that has the right value (93% Completion)


this is the one that has the right value (93% Completion)

Hi @GerardoMora

When you use epics in rows, the % is calculated within each epic.
When you use both epics in Pages, the percentage is calculated over all selected epics.
This is why numbers differ. Select only one epic in Pages if you need the percentage per epic.


Ilze /

Thanks a lot, I will use one selection method only.