Getting field value from parent item

I’m trying to get values to Stories based on value sitting in Parent Item. Later on, based on the value from Parent Item there should be a case to put those values into two Groups. How to do that in one custom field?

Story Linked to Epic 1 (Epic Link field in Jira)
Story Linked to Epic 2

Epic 1 having field with text Group 1 (Portfolio Epic from JA text field)
Epic 2 having field with text Group 2

Epic Link field & Portfolio Epic from JA are both exposed in eazyBI.

In Google Sheets I would do VLOOKUP to get to story level value based on Epic Link.

How to do it in eazyBI? Do I need to create a custom measure or custom field?

Thank you!

P.S. I’ve played around with [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Epic Link’) and [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Portfolio Epic from JA’) but I cannot get it right.

I think it’s somehow connected to this topic: Pulling value from parent record