GitHub commit and pull requests

We have integrated our Jira DC instance with our GitHub repos. The “Development” section of the Jira issues shows Git commits, pull requests, and branches.

How can I import in the pull requests and commits into EazyBI?
I see a BitBucket integration but nothing for GitHub.

Hi @JTHowe

As you already found in our documentation - DevOps metrics are available if you use BitBucket, but those metrics are not available yet for GitHub.

For GitHub - we have this integration in our backlog but currently without any estimates on when it could be implemented. I added your vote to that ticket and I will update this post if anything changes.

You may want to look into the option of Git commit log analysis in a data cube, separate from Jira. For example, you can upload a Git commit log as a file source to eazyBI and import it into a separate cube. eazyBI recognizes the Git commit log data structure.
More on this in our documentation: Git commit log

Best wishes,
Elita from