Grouping logged hours based on 'logged by' users

Hey team, hope all is well!

I’m very new to EazyBI so forgive me if I struggle with this…
Our team would like to see groups of logs, depending on the members who logged time. For example, if users Josh, Matt or Anna log hours, all those hours should correspond a certain ‘Team A’ team that doesn’t exist in Jira, something similar to what tempo teams would do, but we don’t have tempo teams.

Is there a way to achieve this in EazyBI using a calculated member?
I don’t know how to write this code, but the logic would be something like this

if (logger is anna OR logger is Matt OR logger is Josh)
Team A
if (logger is Bruce OR logger is Amelia OR logger is Stacey)
Team B

Any help will be deeply appreciated!


Hi, @bianca13fialho

Welcom to the eazyBI community!

Please consider using the Aggregate() function to make a Team A, Team B, etc, in a Looged By dimension.

To do that, please go to the Logged by dimension, choose “Define new calculated member,” and then use Aggregate to define the desired teams - each team will have a new calculated member in the dimension. The member should look something like this

[Logged by].[anna],
[Logged by].[Matt],
[Logged by].[Josh]

Always use autocomplete when selecting the members form dimension.

You can apply these principles to other dimensions, such as aggregating the Priorities, Reporters, etc.

Please read more on Aggregate here in our MDX Function reference: Aggregate (
