To recreate OR condition between different fields you may need to create a new MDX measure where those conditions are included directly. By default, dimensions selected in Pages are used with AND condition; value selection from the same dimension is treated with OR condition. More information and examples of how to translate JQL queries to eazyBI reports, please check out the presentation by my colleague Janis Plume: eazyBI Community Days, Day-2 Training Presentations
Usually, when filters include OR construction between different fields (labels in (ABC) OR issuetype in (EFG) OR custom field in (KLM)), it means that those fields contain the same (or very similar) business information. From the reporting point of view, it would be best to import this information as one separate dimension. Then you would be able to use it in Pages as a filter for reports.
To achieve that, you may want to create a new JavaScript calculated custom field that analyzes issue values in all those three fields and allocate a new value based on that: https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/data-import/custom-fields/javascript-calculated-custom-fields