Help on MDX measure to get particular Issue type and Particular Value from the custom field

I am trying to create a report and in the report in a column I want to view the issues with status No run, passed etc. with issue type xxxx and issues with Value yy from the custom field.
Now, I am using the below mdx, which is not working

  [Status].[NO RUN],
 [Issue Type].[XXX]),
   [Issue Type].[XXX].CurrentMember.Name = "XXX" AND
   [Measures].[Costum Filed name] = "yyy",

can I get the help to create the measure to achieve the above

Hi @Amzad,

The first part of the calculation, where you list statuses of interest, is all right. For the second part of the calcaution, you might want to use a tuple expression of:

  • measure “Issue created”, which is a mandatory element for all calculated measures so that calcaution could respond to the report context,
  • dimension “Issue Type” with specified type XXX,
  • and dimension “Custom field name” with specified value YYY.

The expression might look like this:

  --set of statuses you are interested in 
  {[Status].[NO RUN],
  --numeric expression, put here tuple expression
    [Measures].[Issues created],
    [Issue Type].[XXX],
    [Costum Filed name].[YYY]

More details on tuples are described in the documentation: Calculated measures.

Zane /

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–set of statuses you are interested in
{[Status].[NO RUN],
–numeric expression, put here tuple expression
[Measures].[Issues created],
[Issue Type].[XXX],
[Costum Filed name].[YYY],
[Costum Filed name].[ZZZ]

How can i achieve when I want to get multiple values from a costum field, I tried in the above way, but it did not work. Above measure provided by your side worked when I mention
[Costum Filed name].[YYY],
[Costum Filed name].[ZZZ],
please help


The best approach is to go without any calculated measures and create your report from already importer building blocs. For example, select measure “Issues created” on columns, set dimension “Issue Type” on rows, and select the XXX type to limit report data. Then set “Status” dimension and “Custom field name” dimension on report pages and filter data by one or multiple values.
This way, your report is more dynamic and would respond to selected page filter values.

If you still want to build calcaution and hardcode the issue type, statuses, and custom field values, you can update the expression.
You can mention each dimension only once in the tuple expression (see tuple characteristics here: Calculated measures). If you would like to get results from two specific values, consider adding up two tuples.

  --set of statuses you are interested in 
  {[Status].[NO RUN],
  --numeric expression, put here tuple expression
    [Measures].[Issues created],
    [Issue Type].[XXX],
    [Costum Filed name].[YYY]
    [Measures].[Issues created],
    [Issue Type].[XXX],
    [Costum Filed name].[ZZZ]

Zane /

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Can you please help me with the new mdx measure?

 [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember is [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember
    [Measures].[Issues with DE - Completion Due Date (F2C)]
  DateAfterPeriodEnd("Today", [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember)
  DateInPeriod("Today", [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember)
    [Measures].[Issues with DE - Completion Due Date (F2C)]

I am using the above measure to get the issues Due in the report. I am using DE - Completion Due Date (F2C) as a date field in jira.
Now, can you help me to create a measure where I want get the issues in Due where I have another custom field called Country Relevance when the values are DE and US.
I know we can achieve this by adding the Country Relevance in the pages and filtering by DE and US.
But instead of using that as a filter I want to create an measure where I can filter issues due in Country Relevance DE and US.
Note : I am using Time dimension in the rows.
