Help to avoid duplication in the issue count with multiple components in eazyBI

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a measure in eazyBI and need some help adjusting it correctly. My goal is to count issues of type “Defect” that were created in the last 30 days, excluding those that have component “A”. Here’s the challenge: some of these issues have multiple components, and I need to make sure they aren’t counted twice.

This is the measure I have tried to use:

{[Time].[Day].CurrentDateMember.Lag(30) : [Time].[Day].CurrentDateMember.Lag(1)},
[Measures].[Issues created],
[Componente].[NOT A],
[Issue Type].[Defect]

having previously defined the “NOT A” component in this way:



{ [Componente].[A] }


So, the measure works correctly but suppose there are 80 issues within the mentioned criteria, but 7 have double components so the count shows me 87 instead of 80, how can I manage to show the 80.


Hi @LittleWiseGuy ,

The calculated members with exceptions do not work too well in multi-value dimensions.
The aggregated calculated member will retrieve all issues related to at least one of the included members. That will also include the issues that have several components, including the one that you do not want to see.

The workaround is to retrieve the total figure and then subtract the values related to the member you want to have excluded.

In your case, the expression might look as follows.

--time period for sum
 {[Time].[Day].CurrentDateMember.Lag(30) : [Time].[Day].CurrentDateMember.Lag(1)},
--numeric value for sum 
--total figure of all components
 ([Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].[Defect])
--subtract the component you to exclude
 ([Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].[Defect])

Oskars /