Help !What calculation can we use to get the no of stories in a sprint with status = READY?

I have already certain columns with some measures calculated in the report. But i need one more column alongside to get the no of stories with Status <> Ready.

I am trying this using the below calculation but getting the number of stories including Ready as well.
[Issue][Status].CurrentMember.Level <>‘Ready’

Please help.

Hi @subintraj,

You are indicating that you need the number of stories within a sprint.
The approach might be slightly different whether you analyze the current ongoing sprint or report on already completed historical sprints.

You might use Sprint scope measures if you report on the historical sprints. You might find out more about Sprint scope measures here - Jira Software custom fields.

Depending on the report context, you might filter the issues by type and status in the page filters or create a calculated measure that finds the relevant figure.

If you are looking for the number of stories with status Ready (as per post caption) in a historic sprint at the moment of sprint closing, you might create the following tuple.

([Measures].[Sprint issues at closing],
[Issue type].[Story],

If you are looking for the number of stories with any other status but Ready (as per post content) in a historic sprint at the moment of sprint closing, you might create the following expression as a difference between two tuples.

([Measures].[Sprint issues at closing],
 [Issue type].[Story])
([Measures].[Sprint issues at closing],
 [Issue type].[Story],

The exact approach and expression highly depend on the whole report context.

Oskars /

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