Hide specific page dimension

We will often add Page dimensions to filter the results being shown, but we don’t want the user to be able to change the value of that dimension. We currently do this by only having one available option, but the users are still confused by this extra dropdown that they cannot change, particularly if they see a value name that doesn’t clearly indicate what the dimension is.

For example, I might have a report that has the IssueType dimension added, but with “Epic” as the only allowed value, so the report is over epics. Some users see “Epic” in a dropdown that they cannot change and it confuses them.

My request is to be able to control hiding these dimensions, so the user would not have access to change them. In particular, I would want this effect when they are seeing the report in a Jira Dashboard, which is how most of our users see eazyBI. I don’t mind report authors seeing the full set of options, but I don’t want people with just Dashboards Viewer permissions to see these dimensions dropdowns. This would only be on the Pages dimensions.

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We, in eazyBI, strongly believe that everyone who is using the report should know what information the report contains (e.g., that it shows data based only on epic issues), therefore, Page filters are always visible and you can’t hide them.

However, we have some ideas on “clean chart concept” in our backlog for future development (for instance, hiding Page selection for dashboard viewers).

Currently, as a workaround, you can include page filter in each measure used in the report, using, for instance, tuple constructions: https://docs.eazybi.com/display/EAZYBI/Calculated+measures#Calculatedmeasures-Tuples
As an example, the following measure would show only resolved epics:

([Measures].[Issues resolved],
 [Issue type].[Epic])

Or, you can create a calculated member in Issue type dimension that refers to this particular issue type (i.e. the formula for this calculated member would be [Issue type].[Epic]), and name it meaningful for your users. Then use this calculated member in Page filter instead of default issue type Epic.

Ilze, support@eazybi.com

Hi Ilze,

I think you need to consider the different audiences for eazyBI reports. In our organization, we have a small audience of eazyBI users, for whom I agree, they should see all the available information about the data on the report. But we have a larger audience of users who are only accessing reports through Jira Dashboards. For these users, who are not familiar with eazyBI, they are only being confused by these dropdown lists that they cannot modify or control. We hear this question frequently, “why is this here and why can’t I change it.”

Maybe a compromise would be to allow page dimensions with only one option to be hidden, when viewed from a Jira dashboard. The Jira dashboards allow us to add additional descriptions, so we can better inform our audience about what data they are seeing.

We’ve used the calculated members workaround, but over time we end up with a confusing array of calculated members, whose names are confusing, when taken out of context of the report they were created for.