Hiding markdown in row totals

When trying to format one of my reports, I have created a new calculated measure that outputs using the markdown formatting.

For the majority of the table I want to be able to total the rows but it looks a little odd having markdown appearing in the total column.

What is the recommended approach? Can I hide the total for that measure?


Hi @Waiman ,

The recommended approach is to add a CASE WHEN construct that checks if the current row dimension member is not the total. If you have the Time dimension on rows, the calculation could look similar to the one below:

CASE WHEN [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name <> '$total_aggregate'
  CASE WHEN [Measures].[Created vs Resolved issues] < 0 THEN
      "<i class='far fa-arrow-up' style='color:green'></i>"
  WHEN [Measures].[Created vs Resolved issues] > 0 THEN
      "<i class='far fa-arrow-down' style='color:red'></i>"

The report then could look similar to the one below:

Roberts // support@eazybi.com

eazyBI supports markdown formatting for a total row with version 6.4.
However, please make sure the rules work correctly for total rows. If needed use a different formula for totaling rows as it was suggested by @roberts.cacus.

Daina / support@eazybi.com