History Report of Text Field

I have a custom comment field that is updated each week, by the users deleting the text and added new text. When I try to create a custom measure to capture the history for this field, I am unable to pull in that field since text field can’t be a measure. Any suggestions how to set this report up so we are able to capture the date the comment field was changed and text? The field history is captured in Jira.

Imported as [jira.customfield_13700]
name = “Status Comments”
data_type = “text”
property = true
dimension = false
measure = false
separate_table = true
changes = true

Hi @skAtlassianUser,

That is right; change history and historical values are not supported for text fields. You can import current text field values as issue property only. Option to analyze previous values is available only for well-categorized data that could be imported as dimensions because all historical values and current values are imported as dimension members.

If you would like to analyze changes of status comments, first, you might want to categorize and classify different sets of comments in a meaningful way to show reached progress and its flow over time.
If you would like to see the previous comments for a particular issue, please go to Jira and check the history tab of that issue.

Zane / support@eazyBI.com