How can I get Sum and average items in my list?

Hello, I have a question.
In my company we have this situation:
My Cycle time starts in “Desenvolvimento” and finish in “Test”

This is my cicle:
Desenvolvimento - Code Review - Test

In This function, I sum how many days only issue stay in desenvolvimento, code review and tests.

[Measures].[Cycle Time]
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Transitions from status] > 0 THEN
[Measures].[Days in transition status]

Result for my function:
Mon| Cycle Time |
Fev |15 |
Mar | 21 |
Apr |10 |
May |5 |

In February I had 4 issues, 15 it is sum for these issues. My guestion:
How can I get the average of the issues inside of February?
For exemplo:

issue 1 = 5
issue 2 = 5
issue 3 = 5
Average = 5

Today this function returnd 15.


Try creating new calculated measure using this formula:

CASE WHEN [Measures].[Transitions from status] > 0 THEN
[Measures].[Days in transition status] / 
[Measures].[Transitions from status issues count]

It should calculate the average result.

Martins / eazyBI