I will compare two values and would like to have the FixVersion of the issue. I have a table and the FixVersion shall be visible in the row of the current issue.
It works with the “Fix version IDs”. But I want to have the value behind the Fix Version ID.
WHEN Val(ExtractString([Measures].[Issue fix versions].Value, ‘.*R(\d+)’, 1)) <
Val(ExtractString([Measures].[Issue Validation in].Value, ‘.*R(\d+)’, 1))
[Issue].CurrentMember.Get(‘Fix version IDs’) //It shall be get(‘Fix Version’)
WHEN [Measures].[Issue Validation in]=’(none)’ THEN ‘tbd’
If I use [Measures].[Issue fix versions] or [[Measures].[Issue fix versions]] I get the error message:
Formula is not valid:
No function matches signature ‘CASE WHEN THEN … END’
If I use [[Measures].[Issue fix versions] I get the error message:
Formula is not valid:
MDX object ‘[[Measures].[Issue fix versions]’ not found in cube ‘Issues’
What can I do to get the value behind if FixVersionID?
Hi @Christine ,
Sometimes the CASE WHEN construct gets confused when various data types are used in conditions and returned values. Or empty values are returned. You can enclose the “Issue fix versions” property inside the CoalseceEmpty() function to see the fix version names instead of IDs. See the suggested formula below:
WHEN Val(ExtractString([Measures].[Issue fix versions].Value, '.*R(\d+)', 1)) <
Val(ExtractString([Measures].[Issue Validation in].Value, '.*R(\d+)', 1))
CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Issue fix versions],'')
WHEN [Measures].[Issue Validation in]='(none)' THEN 'tbd'
See more details about the CoalesceEmpty() function on the eazyBI documentation page - CoalesceEmpty - eazyBI.
Roberts // support@eazybi.com
Hi Roberts,
thanks for your support. I tried to use your proposal. But I get this error message. I don’t know what this means. Can you support here?
Formula is not valid:
Lexical error at line 2, column 63. Encountered: “\u2018” (8216), after : “”
Hi @Christine ,
In some weird way, the single quotes were transformed into backticks. I corrected the formula in my original answer.
Hi Roberts,
it works. Thanks a lot.
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