Hi @Taylor_Quinn,
The page owner field was not readily available from Confluence during data import until recently.
Therefore, it was not being imported and was not available for reports.
The data availability has changed, and we are looking into adding it to some future releases.
In the meantime, it might be possible to import additional property “page owner” for your Conflucence pages using additional REST API data source and then use MDX calculation with context change to filter Owners.
You might set up additional data import as described here - Import from REST API.
You might use the REST API endpoint from Confluence - https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/v2/api-group-page/#api-pages-get.
Set up content parameter -
Then, you could map the Page ID as a key column to the relevant Page and import the Owner ID as a property.
Please set “skip missing” for the id column to skip the pages that are not imported into the relevant data cube.
Presuming that every Owner is also an author, you might display the Owner of the page using the following expression.
[Page].CurrentHierarchyMember.Level.Name = 'Page'
[Page].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('<name of imported page owner property>')
It is then possible to use the Author dimension for selecting users and then create a calculation that switches the report context and filters out pages where the selected author is the Owner, regardless of the author of the selected page. That expression might become slow if you have many pages and users, but that is the closest option available so far.
If you add the Pages dimension to report rows and use individual Author (presuming Owner) in report filters, the expression to find the number of pages where the selected user is the Owner might be as follows.
Cast([Author].CurrentMember.key as string) = [Page].CurrentMember.get('<name of imported page owner property>')
([Measures].[Page versions created],
This might work for a single user related to the current report cell.
Oskars / support@eazyBI.com