How can show only issues added to Epic with in last week?

We’re trying to capture stories added to an epic within last week. Lets say one Epic has 5 stories today and next week, if someone adds 2 more stories to this epic. I want to show only the 2 stories that are newly added to the epic.

Is there anyway to capture the date when the story has been to epic and then use the relative dates to filter only stories that are added within last 1 week or so?

Hi @avinashk,

By default, eazyBI does not import the date when issues were added in epic. If you use script runner (or other scripting fields in Jira) though, you can create a new calculated field that goes through issue history and counts when the epic child was added (but it won’t count if the link is deleted or removed). The code example for it is here:

Script runner code for "Issues added in epic count" field
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

def dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
def values = new ArrayList();
def items = ComponentAccessor.getChangeHistoryManager().getChangeItemsForField(
  issue, "Epic Child"
for (item in items) {
  def to = item.getTo();
  if (to != null) {
    def issuelink = to;
	values.add(dateFormat.format(item.getCreated()) + ",1");

if (!values) {

    StringUtils.join(values, "\n");

The returned result looks like this:

Following is a custom field definition that you would add to eazyBI advanced settings or ask the JIRA administrator to do this for you. Please replace NNNNN with your script runner field ID.

#issues added in epic count
data_type = "integer"
measure = true
multiple_dimensions = ["Time"]
split_by = ","

Further, you need to select the custom field for import as a measure.
After the import in eazyBI, it looks like this - on rows, you have Epics and on columns a count of how many issues were added in each epic by weeks:

You can filter which weeks you would like to see or overview them all.

Lauma /

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