How do I get the value of an Object attribute when the attribute is an object in an external schema?

I am importing an insight object schema into eazyBI and would like to display the attributes of a linked object, where the linked object resides in an external schema. Is this possible?

eg. I have an object Customer with attribute City. City is an object that lives in different insight schema and has the attribute Country. I would like to display the Country on my list of Customer objects.

eazyBI imports data from one Insight schema only. We have an idea in our backlog to support import from external schemas as well. I added a community vote to the ticket.

You can consider using some workaround with additional data import into Insight cube. You can import additional properties for the object Customer. Please note, we do not allow using additionally imported properties for building new custom hierarchies. You can display them in the reports or use them in some formulas.

Daina /