How to build profit & loss report with additional data import

You can use a similar approach - import Rate as property per user and use the same calculations as represented by Rate. However, this will not support cases when the cost per sprint changes.

The solution will work for the latest sprints only with this approach. In some cases, it might be enough to get the needed values for the most recent sprints and get the costs per sprint. It won’t allow you to get back in history, though.

If you would like to keep track of costs per each individual sprint the solution will require more maintenance. You would like to import the rate per each user and per each sprint as a measure. You would need to have this mapping for any sprint you would like to calculate the costs. The solution will be more close to the one on how the Cost is imported and used in the formulas. However, you would like to use the user (Logged by or Assignee) dimension and the Sprint dimension instead of Cost center and Time.

You can prepare the file using the report with Sprint dimension and User dimension on Rows. See more here on how to use reports for preparing the import file:

Export the file and set the cost per sprint and user, even if it is the same cost for different sprints.

I removed the columns sprint and assignee from my file. Then make the mapping - by Sprint and User dimension based on Key and Skip missing, set the Measure for the rate:

Then it will be imported and you can use them in the calculations:

Please do not use the calculation directly, apply the formula and then use this formula in reports with other dimensions:

([Measures].[User rate per sprint],

Daina /