How to calculate Deployment Frequency based on Fix Version (Current Year Day Number /number of deployments)

Hi, we are currently evaluating EazyBI and struggling to calculate Deployment Frequency (number of days passed from certain year/number of deployments from that year=>a deployment every X days).

e.g for 2019: =>current day number 2019 (10 October) is 283
=>number of deployments in 2019 until current date is 60
2019 Deployments Frequency = 283/60

For 2018 we had for example 80 deployments: 365/80

So we want to obtain the same also for the previous years.

We started by using FixVersion dimension on rows and “Version release date” measure on column.

  1. How to remove the duplicates, as for every JIRA project we have the same FixVersion with the same release date, but here are released all Fix Versions from all projects.

  2. How to aggregate the data in order to obtain Deployment Frequency per year?>

Thank you!

Hi @Ionut_Sandu

I am posting a wrap-up of the suggestions from the conversation on our support channel:

To get the Deployment frequency first, try to calculate the number of unique releases each year. To do that, put the Time dimension on rows and select the “Year” level. After that, you can try to create a new calculated member in the Measures dimension with the formula below:

--Release Count
    Descendants([Fix Version.By name].CurrentHierarchyMember,[Fix Version.By name].[Name]),
      [Fix Version.By name].CurrentHierarchyMember.FirstChild.get('Release date'),

This will give you the number of unique releases each year, based on the Fix Version release dates. With the FirstChild method you, eliminate the duplicates by fetching the release date of the Version from the first project in the “Fix Version.By name” hierarchy.

I have to note that this will work as expected only when all the involved projects have the same version naming scheme and the same release dates.

To get the number of days each year, please create another calculated member in the Measures dimension:

--Days in Year
  Not DateInPeriod(
    [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.lag(-1).StartDate )

This formula checks if the date for the current day is within the current Time dimension period. If it is not, the number of days in that year are returned. If it is, the number of days passed in the current year is returned.

Finally, you can create a calculated member in the Measures dimension that gets the deployment rate:

  [Measures].[Release count] > 0
  [Measures].[Days in Year]
  [Measures].[Release count]

Please have a look at a picture of a sample report below:

Please have a look at our documentation page for more information on calculated members in the Measures dimension -

Roberts // eazyBI support

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