How to calculate number of resolved tickets that were at specific statuses previously

Please help me, I am new to easyBi though already have read many topics with examples, but still can’t resolve my problem.
I need to calculate number of issues that are now in one of statuses ‘Resolved’ but previously at some point were in the status ‘Dev Backlog’ or ‘Dev Scheduled’.
Unfortunately in my Jira Resolved date is set not for all tickets that are move to Resolved status, and it could be that ticket in Resolved status but with empty Resolved date. That is why I can’t rely on this field in calculation.
I am trying the following calculation based on Status but it doesn’t work (give empty data)
(WIP Delivery represents the statuses ‘Dev Backlog’ and ‘Dev Scheduled’)

  Filter(Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    ([Issue].CurrentMember.GetString('Status')='Resolved' ) AND
  NOT IsEmpty( -- and see that transition to WIP Delivery has happened 
      [Measures].[Transitions to status], 
      [Transition Status].[WIP Delivery],

When I do similar to calculate Closed tickets it works fine

  Filter(Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    NOT IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentMember.get('Closed at')) AND
    [Measures].[Issues closed] > 0 AND -- get set of all closed issues
  NOT IsEmpty( -- and see that transition to WIP Delivery has happened
      [Measures].[Transitions to status], 
      [Transition Status].[WIP Delivery],

Hi @Anna ,

Try this formula for your calcualted measure:

  Filter(DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
      [Measures].[Transitions to status], 
      [Transition Status].[WIP Delivery],
    [Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
    [Transition Status].[Resolved]

If eazyBI doesn’t recognize the format automatically for this formula, please manually select the integer format for the output

Martins / eazyBI