How to Calculate the number of Pods in my Program

Hello all,

I’m a first time eazyBI user, just finished watching all the tutorial videos and now of course my business problem is beyond the scope of training that I’ve completed.

My business problem is as such. I’m pulling for my data sources 3 Jira projects: Program, Portfolio and Pod. A Program project has an issuetype called Program. A Portfolio project has an issuetype called Portfolio and lastly a Pod Jira project has an issuetype called Pod.

On the Program issuetype a user can select a ScriptRunner issuepicker field called “Portfolio” to select a Portfolio.
On the Pod issuetype a user can select a ScriptRunner issuepicker field called “Program” to select a Program.

What I’d like to do is create a table report where each Row of my table is a Program and 1 column is the count of Pods in that Program.

Example data is as such:
Pod A has the Program field selected as Program “Orange”
Pod B has the Program field selected as Program “Rocket”
Pod C has the Program field selected as Program “Rocket”
Pod D has the Program field selected as Program “Rice”

In my table, for the Row Rocket, under the column “Number of Pods” I would expect to see the number 2 as 2 Pod issues have selected the Program “Rocket”.

I figure I have to create a calculated member to count all the Pods that have selected each Program and display that number for each Program row.

How to do it is beyond me. If anyone can point me to a solution that would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance.

Hi @Brian ,

Welcome to the eazyBI community! I hope the training videos helped you get to know the basics of eazyBI.

For your question, I think the following eazyBI community post might provide the answer you are looking for - ScriptRunner Issue Picker - #2 by janis.plume.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Roberts //