Hi, Team…
I really need help…
In SLA perspective, my team want to count ticket which respose time is within 30 minutes(1/48 day).
There are two criteria: “First Comment time” and the “First StatusUpdate time from New to In Progress”.
That means,
I would like to set Response Time measure by comparing it and pick less taking time among the two criteria.
To do this,
I try to make “First Comment Time” custom field by using Advanced settings.
name = "First comment date"
data_type = "datetime"
javascript_code = '''
var comments = issue.fields.comment.comments;
if (comments.length > 0) {
var comment = comments[0];
issue.fields.customfield_firstcommentdate = comment.created;
Here is my 2 questions.
Q1) Can I count “First StatusUpdate time from New to In Progress”?
How can I do?
Q2) If Q1 is possible, how can I compare two criteria - First Comment time / First StatusUpdate time from New to In Progress.
I just make Respose Time Measure only with First Comment time, but I don’t know how to modify…
Please give me helplful advice.
[Measure][~30min Response Time (Urgent)]
Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
DateInPeriod([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Created at'),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
([Measures].[Issues created],
[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember) > 0 AND
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Created at'),
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('First comment date')) <= (1/48) AND
[Measures].[Issue type] = [Issue Type].[Urgent Request ].Name
Hi @sujikim
In general, the first status update date for a particular transaction can be found from measure “Transition to status first date” and a particular transition.
For your calculation, you may want to use function Min() to find the first date from the two dates - first comment and this first status update date.
To use this function, you need to use your two dates as timestamps (it is integer value).
Do the following:
- Create a measure that calculates first transition date and converts it to timestamp (lets name this measure “Transition to In Progress timestamp”, we need it later):
([Measures].[Transition to status first date],
[Transition].[new => In Progress],
- Create a new measure to convert the first comment date to timestamp (name it “First comment timestamp”)
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('First comment date')
- Now, modify the general calculation:
- use Sum() instead of Count() (it is faster);
- add a condition by issue type before measures. Notice! It seems, you have a empty space after the issue type name, could it be so? Check it and use correctly in the calculation.
- use DateDiffMinutes() function instead of DateDiffDays();
- use this Min() function to find the minimal date from the two, convert the result back to date, and then use it in the calculation of the duration.
Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
DateInPeriod([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Created at'),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
[Measures].[Issue type] = "Urgent Request " AND
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Created at'),
{[Measures].[First comment timestamp],
[Measures].[Transition to In Progress timestamp]},
([Measures].[Issues created],
Hope, it gives you the needed result!
Ilze , support@eazybi.com