How to Count or Aggregate Numerous Custom Fields

Hi All,

Experimenting with EazyBI, I’m attempting to consolidate (what I believe to be easy) numerous custom field values into the one count field. Basically a consolidation of 16 fields in; Positive, Negative, and Neutral.

[Steps to Reproduce].[Positive],
[Expected Result and Actual Results].[Positive],
[Local .DLL Files].[Positive],
[Bin and/or NpSharpBin].[Positive],
[Offers/Promotion Data].[Positive],
[Screen Shots and Videos].[Positive],
[Start and End Times].[Positive],
[Image Repository].[Positive],
[Desktop Load].[Positive],
[NP6 Build Version].[Positive],
[RCT Template].[Positive],
[Design and Guidelines].[Positive],
[Design and Requirements (Gap Analysis)].[Positive]

But I encounter

Can you please help?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Tre_Travan,
First of all - welcome to the eazyBI community! :slight_smile:

About your question: function Count() is working with a data set of one dimension, but in your case, you are using several different dimensions and that won’t give you the result you expect.
If you want to count issues that have all customfield fields with value “Positive” then you can create a tuple with measure Issues created count and all the values you are interested in from all dimensions.
It would look like:

  [Measures].[Issues created count]
  [Steps to Reproduce].[Positive],
  [Expected Result and Actual Results].[Positive],
  [Local .DLL Files].[Positive],
  [Bin and/or NpSharpBin].[Positive],

The second option is if you need to count issues that have at least one of those dimensions the value “Positive” (it means some other dimension could also have a different value). In that case, you need to use this formula:

    ( [Posdata].[Positive], [Measures].[Issues created count]) > 0
    ([Logs].[Positive], [Measures].[Issues created count]) > 0
    ([Steps to Reproduce].[Positive], [Measures].[Issues created count]) > 0
    ([Steps to Reproduce].[Positive], [Measures].[Issues created count]) > 0
    (..., [Measures].[Issues created count]) > 0

Gerda //