we have a custom field “Reason for Blocking” which is a select list. When an issue transitions into status “Blocked” the value to the custom field is added. When the issue transitions out of the status, the field value “Reason for Blocking” si cleared.
We want to have an overview of resolved issues with the Blocking reasons. Since the values are cleared I need it to find it somehow in the issue history.
Please, could you help me how to get it? Is it even possible?
I will appreciate any tip, I reviewed the documentation and other community articles but I can’t seem to find a similar solution.
But the question is what exactly do you want to show in the report and how to filter it?
Is that some issue-level table report where you want to see issues that had any of Blocking reasons at any ponit in time or you want to filter the report somehow or perhaps get a counter based on historical transitions?
Please share more details about the expected layout (rows, columns, page filters) for this report.
And confirm that “Reason for Blocking” is a single-select field in Jira
thank you for your comment. Yes I confirm the field “Reason for Blocking” is a single-select field in Jira. The user just wants to see if the issue had any of Blocking reasons at any point in time and the value of the field.
Please let me know if you need anything else. I will really appreciate any help with this report.
create a new calculated measure to display all the historical values from the “Reason for Blocking” field for each issue.
DescendantsSet([Reason for Blocking].CurrentMember,[Reason for Blocking].[Reason for Blocking]),
[Reason for Blocking].CurrentMember.name <> "(none)"
[Measures].[transitions from],
[Transition Field].[Reason for Blocking],
[Measures].[Transition from last timestamp],
[Transition Field].[Reason for Blocking],
[Reason for Blocking].CurrentMember.name,
I am sorry about my delayed response. Thank you for the script. However today I was trying to implement this but unfortunately the new calculated measure column is empty for all issues. I checked the issues where I know for sure that there has been a historical value but the column is empty. I was trying to update it with the eazyBI assitant but after multiple attempts none of the solutions worked.
Could you please take a look a provide me some alternative script?