How to display total bug issue types by both developer and client support user groups

I have a chart where I want to separate the bug issue types created by Client Support users and developers. I have calculated members for the Features and Client Support issues, which are aggregates.

What calculation do I use to show Client Support user reporter issues and Developer user reporter bug issues? The Client Support bugs will be included in the Client Support aggregate and the Developer bugs will be included in the Features aggregate.

Hi @salipour,

You could try to use the Reporter Group dimension to separate the Client support and Developer users. If it is not available in the dimension section under the “User groups” link, please have a look at the eazyBI import settings “Additional options” tab in the “User group” section. You can read more about this on our documentation page -

Robert // eazyBI staff

Hi @roberts.cacus,
Yes, I have the reporter groups imported.
I have an aggregate for Features:
[Issue Type].[Epic],
[Issue Type].[Story],
[Issue Type].[Sub-task]

However, I want to include bug issue types only reported by the developer user group:
Something like this, which is wrong:
[Issue Type].[Epic],
[Issue Type].[Story],
[Issue Type].[Sub-task]
[Issue Type].[Bug].[ReporterGroup].[Developers]

What is the correct syntax for this?

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Hi @salipour,

I would suggest creating a calculated measure with the developer reporter group, issue type aggregate and the Hours spent measure. Please have a look at the example below:

 [Issue Type].[Features],
 [Reporter Group].[YOUR_DEVELOPER_GROUP],
 [Measures].[Hours spent]

And create separate calculated measures for the other issue types or their aggregates, adding the Reporter group where necessary.

Kind regards,
Robert // eazyBI staff

Thanks! I got it to work correctly.

Hello @roberts.cacus
what if i need this for different project ?
And in every project i have different group ?

thank you .

Hi @karim,

In that case, you can remove the Reporter Group from the calculated measure. After that, add the Reporter Group in pages. There you can select the member according to the Project. See the picture below:

Another option is to move the Reporter Group dimension to Columns, and for each Project, you should see the relevant groups by hiding the empty columns.

Roberts //