I have been trying to create a new calculated member for a dimension “Test Plan” which fills the empty rows. I have uploaded data from excel files.
The problem picture is my issue. The solution picture shows what I wants (Please scroll down for solution image). As for now, I have filled the empty rows of Test Plan as “Not Test Plan” in csv and uploaded to Jira. How can I do that using calculated member without filling it in CSV itself. Please let me know.
It did not allow me to upload two pictures as a new user. Please see here for solution picture
Hi @Pavansai!
You can create new members in dimension only during the data import.
The only other way is to create a group of members by using the Aggregate(…) function.
Let me know if I missed something and you have some further questions!
Lauma / support@eazybi.com
Hi @lauma.cirule ,
Thank you for clarifying this as I’m new to eazyBI, I want to confirm whether it is feasible or not.
I do have another concern. In the attached picture, I’m trying to get last child of test case for each test plan but it is getting me last child of test case regardless of test plan. In the below picture, In addition to what we have, I want to get 3 in calculated measure “Test” for T1 Test Case ID under TP1 Test Plan.
I’m using calculated measure
CASE NOT IsEmpty([Test Plan ID].CurrentMember)
WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Test Case ID].CurrentMember.LastChild)
[Test Case ID].CurrentMember.LastChild.Name
I have also tried by replacing [Test].CurrentMember.LastChild.Name with [Test].CurrentHierarchyMember.LastChild.Name but no use.
Please provide some solution for this.
Thank you
I believe the CASE conditions are the ones that are filtering out the result and not returning the LastChild name. I imagine the Nonempty option selected, which gives the report’s context and does not show all Test Cases for all Test Plans.
The LastChild, in all cases, would return the last member in the dimension. I imagine you should filter the set based on some measure and then return the last element.
Lauma / support@eazybi.com
Hi @lauma.cirule ,
Thank you for the suggestion. As I’m new to eazyBI, I was looking for help to write a calculated measure for the above example.
Thank you
Please send more details about the report and the structure of imported data to support@eazybi.com so we can dig deeper into your particular case.
Lauma / support@eazybi.com