Hi Team,
We would like to know about **
how to generate reports to check the efforts filled by team members in timesheet format?
Reports should provide efforts of individuals based on time logged by him/her.
It’ll show overall efforts for specific project.
Thanks in advance.
Narendra Kumar
Hi @narendra_kumar_1995
You may want to use the eazyBI dimension “Logged by” in the report rows to show the data against each user who had logged hours.
Then use default measure “Hours spent” (or, in case of using Tempo Timesheet, Tempo Billable hours or not-billable hours) to show logged work for each user.
Add in Pages Project dimension to filter by a specific project, and Time dimension to filter by the worklog time period.
From measure “Hours spent”, you may Drill trough cell to get a list of all worklog entries constituting particular Hours spent total value, with additional information - user name, date, issue key, worklog comments, as well as logged hours for this entry. The list could be exported to the file.
Ilze / support@eazybi.com