How to get P1 Problem Sub Tasks in eazyBI

Hello community,
I am trying to replicate the below JQL into EazyBI and finding it tough. Could you please help.

type = Sub-task AND reporter in (xxxx) AND statuscategory != Done AND issuefunction in subtasksOf(“issuetype = problem AND Impact = High AND Urgency = High”).

Not able to understand, how to replicate “issuefunction in subtasksOf” in eazyBI

Hi @Varun_R,

The “issuefunction in subtasksOf” is a ScriptRunner construction to address the issues based on conditions of their parent issues.

Since eazyBI applies the filters on the lowest hierarchy level only, the solution lies in importing the values of the parent issues into the child tasks.

Some linked dimensions require less effort and are imported with the same dimension structure.
You might read more about that here - Issue link field dimensions.
You might use this approach for the “Issue type” of the parent issue.

Custom field dimensions will need additional code to allow importing them.

You might read more about inherited field dimensions here - JavaScript calculated custom fields.

There is a slightly different approach, whether the parent issue field is available on the parent level only or on child issues as well.

If the property is available on parent issue only, the additional code would look like this.

data_type = "string"
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = "subtask_parent_key"

Where NNNNN stands for the customfield ID.

Value from parent issue will override the field value for the child.

If you want to keep both the value for the child issue in one dimension and the value of the field for the parent issue in a separate dimension for the same child, you might create an additional dimension with the following code.

#parent urgency
name = "Parent urgency"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = "subtask_parent_key"
javascript_code = '''
if(issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN ) {
   issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN_p = issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN;

After adding additional settings and importing the relevant dimensions, you would have the following dimensions in the report pages:
Issue type - to filter sub-task issues
Reporter - to filter sub-task reporters
Status - to filter sub-task status

Parent issue type - linked issues dimension to filter parent issue type = problem
Parent impact - JS calculated custom field dimension to filter on parent issue impact
Parent urgency - JS calculated custom field dimension to filter on parent issue urgency

Oskars /

Hi Oskars,

I have a similar challenge where I need to create a report from a JQL containing “issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf(“project = XXX”, “is prevented by”)…”

My question is how to handle the “is prevented by” part of the query.

Hi @fabianmunoz,

I suggest importing the specific issue links as a separate dimension and using that for filtering.
Please read more about issue links here - Import issue links.

Depending on the report requirements and the actual data structures, you might build a custom hierarchy within the Issues dimension. Please contact eazyBI support via e-mail with more details on the actual requirements and issue relations in your Jira instance.

Oskars /