How to get table grid editor data in separate lines

I am using a plugin called table grid editor in JIRA, whose data i have imported to eazyBI, but the data is coming in one line, i want it to appear the same way it appears in Table .

Is there any code or any suggestions?
Please Help !

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Tanu,

Currently, eazyBI doesn’t have an integration with the iDalko Table Grid Editor custom fields. Please have a look at the full list of the Jira apps eazyBI has integration out of the box on the eazyBI documentation page -

There is a workaround on how to import each column as a multi-value dimension. It involves defining the import parameters in the eazyBI advanced settings, defining a JavaScript calculated custom field for each column from the table. Please read more on the eazyBI JavaScript calculated custom fields here -

Please have a look at the picture below:


This is the configuration I will use in the example import. I will try to import the “Summary” column as a dimension. For that, we will use a REST API call bellow:


Where AAAAA is the ID of the Table Grid editor custom field and NNNNN is the ID of each Jira issue the field is in.

Please add the code below to the eazyBI advanced settings:

name = "Tbl Summary"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
multiple_values = true
split_by = ","
javascript_code = '''
getDocument("/rest/idalko-igrid/1.0/grid/AAAAA/issue/" +, {ignoreErrors: [404,400]},
    resultArray = [];
    if (result && result.values) {

    issue.fields.customfield_tbl_summary = resultArray.toString();

Make sure to replace AAAAA with the ID of the Table Grid custom field. Also, change the line valuesItem.isummary to the columns ID. You can see the ID when you edit the custom field in Jira. Please have a look at the picture below:


Update the eazyBI advanced settings and select the custom field for import in the eazyBI import options “Custom fields” tab.

We do have an improvement regarding the integration with Table Grid editor on our backlog. I added your vote to it. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions about the proposed workaround.

Roberts //

Hello @roberts.cacus

I have a similar request to the above and noticed reference at the bottom to an improvement in the pipeline. Please can you let me know if this improvement has been implemented? If so, would the advice above on extracting a column to a dimension change?

Many Thanks

Hi @CarlyBooth ,

Unfortunately, the improvement is still in the phase of gathering user votes. I don’t have any estimates regarding the implementation.

To import a Table Grid custom field, try the steps described above.

Roberts //

Hi @roberts.cacus ,

I haven been using the solution you provided me in April 2020, and it was working well for me till date.
Today all such fields are throwing error while importing .

I am attaching error snapshopt as well. Kindly help.

eazybi error

Hi @Tanu,

I am happy you have found the suggested solution useful. In general, the 429 error means too many requests in a given time period - 429 Too Many Requests - HTTP | MDN. This means, either Tablegrid or Jira limits the number of REST API requests allowed in a specific time period.

Have you recently updated Jira or enabled rate limiting in your Jira Serve/Datacenter? Please see more details here - Improving instance stability with rate limiting | Administering Jira applications Data Center and Server 8.6 | Atlassian Documentation.

Roberts //

Hi Robert,

Thanks a lot for this information, It got fixed after changing Rate Limits from JIRA.
Really appriciate your quick help.


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