How to get the count of Distinct Values

I am trying to prepare a report with Pie Chart. I have couple of custom fields

  1. Implementation Date
  2. Squad

Implementation date shows deployment date i.e the date on which the features are pushed to production
Squad name shows the squad which did deployment on that implementaion date.

I want to create a pie chart to show the squads that went for deployment within the selected time period. The time period will be selected by eazybi page filter.

The pie chart value should be based on no of deployments the squad has done within the selected time period. The count value can be derived based on distinct implementation date. As 2 deployments might have done on same day with 2 different jira tickets. That has to be counted as 1.

@oskars.laganovskis Can you kindly help on this

Hi @gvparthi
Thanks for posting your question!

Have you tried importing Implementation Date as a measure? When you import a date field as a measure, it will automatically import a measure “Issues with Implementation Date” which will return the number of issues tied with the particular date based on the selected Time filter. You can learn more about measures with custom date fields here - Jira custom fields

Let me know if this works for you!

Elita from

Thanks @Elita.Kalane . Let me try and confirm the same