How to get the JIRA checklist in EazyBI database and use it as a measure or dimension?

I’ve read other topics about checklists , and I found the customfield number of the checklist I would like to use.
Then , I tried additional customfield :

if (issue.fields.customfield_10603)
    return issue.fields.customfield_10603

But nothing is returned , it seems that this customfield is not imported at all in the database.
By using rest api of Jira ,I can clearly see the right JIRA data related to this customfield.
Any idea ?

Maybe you refer to import as calculated member, Like it is explained Account specific calculated fields

We have this configuration for a checklist imported as Dimension, at the Source Data → Custom Fields → Calculated Custom fields (add new calculated field)

and it brings the values

Do you have it configured like this or how?
Does this resolved your problem?


this community post discusses different ways of how to import the checklist customfield:

Perhaps, the first thing to try is to enable the import of this field with the advanced settings:
#all items as comma separated string from Checklist

data_type = "text"
name = "Checklist items all"

Janis, eazyBI support